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Workshop « Frame Games » voor dansers van alle niveaus (Herk)
15 juin 2019, 14:00 - 18:00

FRAME GAMES, dat zijn vele kleine of grotere variaties en tricks om koppeldansen te verrijken. Daarbij maken we gebruik van het frame: de gebalanceerde connectie met je partner.
Deze stage met Elena staat open voor dansers van alle niveaus die de basispassen van schottisch en mazurka kennen.
Vooraf inschrijven per mail is nodig: luk.indesteege@telenet.be

Description in English
How to make any couple dance much more interesting without any figures, rhythmical variations or tricks?
Just using consciousness of the frame, connection to your partner and your own balance – in short: a very good technique.
You’ll get a chance to analyze and improve your skills and afterward, you should be able to add these ‘frame-games’ to any of your actual habits, in mazurka, scottish and any other couple dance.
For dancers of any level, as everybody will improve from where they start, and change of partners will be encouraged.
To participate and benefit from this workshop you should be able to lead and/or follow without difficulty the basic forms of mazurka and scottish.